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    Cellulite Removal Treatment

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    People in good shape may also sometimes have problem areas on the body that may require refinement or toning. Cellulite is particularly a stubborn problem, which can compromise the appearance of skin. For people who want to avoid plastic surgery, Venus Freeze offers an effective non-surgical solution to treat cellulite in targeted areas.

    Venus is a safe and proven procedure that will tighten the skin and decrease the appearance of cellulite, allowing the skin to look smoother and more beautiful. The results are visible quickly with a progressive enhancement over several months after the treatment.

    Accomplished cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie provides cellulite removal treatments to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other neighborhoods and communities in this region of SoCal.

    Main Elements of Venus Freeze

    Certain key elements in Venus Freeze technology make the treatment more effective and safer than various other types of non plastic surgery and minimally invasive cellulite reduction and skin tightening treatments. These elements include:

    • Multi-polar radio frequency (RF) energy provides consistent heat to several tissue depths in a rapid, smooth, and pain-free way.
    • Vari-pulse technique facilitates pulsed suction which is developed to provide penetration of energy into the deeper layers of the skin, promote blood circulation, and lymphatic drainage in the areas of concern.
    • Real-Time Thermal Feedback allows controlled delivery of heat as well as constant contact with the tissue. Outcomes are more homogenous, and there is a minimal risk of damage due to overheating.

    Venus Freeze is the pioneer comprehensive aesthetic technology that offers a combination of the advantages of magnetic pulse, multi-polar, and VariPulse to deliver longer-lasting, predictable, and aesthetically appealing outcomes.

    This FDA cleared device is effective on all skin types and assists in achieving sustainable outcomes for non-invasive skin tightening, body contouring, cellulite reduction, circumferential reduction, and wrinkle reduction.

    (MP)² Technology

    Venus Concept has patented the (MP)² technology, and it is offering relief to thousands of individuals seeking cosmetic improvements such as fat reduction, skin tightening, and cellulite removal. The combined pulse magnetic fields and multi-polar RF offers a synergistic effect to achieve clinical outcomes and ensure a high level of patient satisfaction.

    How it Works?

    The Venus (MP)² technology works as follows:

    Cellulite Reduction

    The RF element of the Venus Freeze technology facilitates enzyme mediated lipolysis. This enables improved blood circulation, a decrease in subcutaneous fat mass, and stabilization of the collagen strands. Collagen and elastin production in combination with this process leads to a reduction in cellulite and produces enhanced body contours.

    Skin Tightening

    Venus (MP)² helps in reversing aging signs by tightening the skin in particular locations. The magnetic pulse element of the procedure stimulates the release of growth factors. Such growth factors enable fast multiplication of dermal fibroblasts and production of new blood vessels. The RF element leads to the synthesis of elastin and collagen. This helps the skin look tauter, fuller, and more elastic.

    Wrinkle Reduction

    The process of wrinkle formation is slowed or even reversed with the (MP)² technology. The two technological elements work together to slow down the body’s natural process of wrinkle development. The appearance of existing lines and wrinkles reduces as collagen and elastin make the skin look fuller. The skin’s texture becomes tauter and healthier.

    Dependable cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other suburbs and neighborhoods in this area of the state for cellulite removal treatments.


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    To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:

    B6iZf1wRvg2y5xSIXaiYvYEdLOUUe_0ZNTTmG6-wO4wPRP scalp injection hair growth implant is a cutting edge treatment to promote hair re-growth. During the initial consultation, the treatment provider will discuss all aspects of the treatment, including its estimated costs. The procedure is elective, and not likely to be covered under the patient’s health plan. 

    Patients should carefully evaluate the costs and benefits, and compare the PRP scalp injection treatment with other hair restoration options before making a final decision.

    Profound and cordial cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie, who has a board certification in plastic surgery, provides PRP injection treatment to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations in The Golden State.

    Sticker Price Comparison with Hair Transplant Surgery

    The dollar amount of PRP Injections will usually turn out to be lower than a hair transplant surgery. The traditional hair transplant surgical procedure is more intensive, requiring many hours of treatment. PRP scalp injection treatment, on the other hand, is less complicated and involves minimal discomfort or downtime.

    The price tag of PRP scalp injection treatment is likely to be considerably lower than that of a traditional hair transplant surgery. The preparation time as well as post-treatment recovery is also minimal in case of PRP therapy. Working people can quickly return to their job, which can also have cost-saving advantages over a traditional hair transplant procedure.

    Financial Factors

    The monetary amount of PRP scalp injection treatments can vary from one practice to another and even from one patient to another at the same practice in some cases. Some of the factors that will go into determining the actual cost include:

    Practice Location

    The price tag of living index can differ from one city to another, which will have an impact on the average costs of most types of products and services, including aesthetic procedures such as PRP injections. Patients should recognize that prices in a particular region could be influenced by the variations in real estate costs, median household incomes, and local tax rates.

    Treatment Provider’s Skills

    If the PRP scalp injection procedure is performed by a highly trained and experienced professional, who works under the supervision of a board certified plastic surgeon, it may be worth choosing them instead of someone who lacks expertise or experience but offers a lower price tag.

    Personalized Care and Services

    A practice that offers state of the art PRP hair restoration technology and equipment as well as a complete range of facilities to ensure the patient’s safety and complete is preferable. The commitment of the provider and the staff and the personalized care and attention that a patient receives at a practice will make a difference to the final results. Patients should look at the costs in the context of the standards of care that a practice offers.

    Extent of Treatment

    Some patients may require only limited PRP scalp injections in a small surface area, while some others may need more extensive treatment.

    The total number of treatment sessions may also vary between patients over several months. Therefore, the costs in each case will vary. Accomplished and committed cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other suburbs and neighborhoods in this part of the country for PRP hair restoration.

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    To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:

    Baldness and thinning hair are a widespread issue for both men and women. One of the more promising, non-surgical hair restoration solutions that has emerged in recent years is PRP scalp injections.

    Research has shown that hair follicles that stop generating hair may not necessarily be dead, but may only be lying injured, damaged or dormant.

    It is possible to restore these follicles for hair re-growth, and this is where PRP scalp injections can help. Considerate and successful cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie, who has a board certification in plastic surgery, provides PRP injection treatment to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other towns and cities in this region of the nation.

    What is PRP?

    PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma is an advanced technique to promote speedy hair growth without involving plastic surgery. The procedure involves injecting the affected areas of the scalp with growth factors from the patient’s blood platelets to trigger new hair growth.

    Similar to stem cell therapy, this growth factor injectable treatment can curb the process of hair loss and hair thinning, while helping in the production of new hair. According to researchers, the technique to use concentrated plasma in the hair scalp has achieved a high success rate already in all kinds of patients.

    PRP Preparation and Usage

    At the time of pre-op consultation for PRP injectable procedure, the expert will discuss various aspects of the treatment with the patient. Only autologous PRP will be used for hair restoration, which means that it will only be extracted from the patient’s own blood. A small amount of blood will be drawn from the patient and sent through a centrifugal process to separate the liquid and solid components.

    Platelet activators such as collagen, thrombin and calcium may be added. PRP is the blood’s separated solid component. The treatment provider will then re-introduce this PRP into the affected area of the scalp using small injections. PRP is also sometimes combined with a hair transplant surgery for more effective outcomes.

    PRP injections may be delivered in stages (at intervals of three to nine months) to stimulate thorough hair re-growth. The patient can notice visible improvement in about two to six months. Periodic follow-up treatments can help to maintain the improvements in the long term.

    How does PRP Work?

    Hair follicles absorb oxygen from the healthy tissue to survive. Researchers evaluating the effects of PRP injections for hair restoration say that when white blood cells and blood platelets are injected into the tissue through PRP, it helps promote the natural wound healing process in the body.

    Some researchers also believe that PRP injections for the scalp are not only helpful in stimulating new follicle growth, but also to prevent hair loss.

    Conditions treated with PRP Injections

    PRP treatment can be used to address different types of hair loss, including:

    • Alopecia Totalis
    • Alpecia Areata
    • Male Pattern Hair Loss
    • Female Pattern Hair Loss
    • Hypotrichosis
    • Loss of hair due to metabolic conditions, medicinal side-effects, and iron deficiency


    Profound and astute cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie receives patients from Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other neighborhoods and suburbs for PRP therapy.

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    To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:

    PRP scalp injections can be used independently for hair re-growth as well as in conjunction with hair transplant surgery. shutterstock_41397340

    At the time of pre-op consultation, the treatment provider will explain all aspects of the procedure and help the patient make an informed choice. Some providers may also present PRP scalp injections hair transplant before and after photographs.

    The patient should feel free to ask questions and address any doubts or concerns before they go ahead with the PRP treatment. Before and after pictures can help them to understand the potential effectiveness of the procedure.

    Fantastic and righteous cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie, who has a board certification in plastic surgery, provides PRP injection treatment to patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding communities.

    What are PRP Scalp Injections Before and After Pictures?

    Before and after pictures in case of PRP injections hair transplant procedure refer to a pair or group of photographs pertaining to a previous patient who has undergone the same treatment with a successful outcome. The photographs include pictures taken before the treatment and after the treatment at a stage when full hair re-growth has occurred.

    The PRP treatment provider will take care to ensure that the photographs are obtained with the consent of the patient, and presented before new patients in an appropriate way. The patient’s identity may be kept confidential as per the protocol. The only goal of the provider in this case is to educate new patients about the benefits of PRP scalp injections and help them make the right decision.

    It would be derelict in this page not to mention digital technology. Now just because a new technology comes along does not mean every industry or every person will embrace it. That is not the case here. The plastic surgery community and certainly Dr. Motykie’s team utilizes digital technology and this is why their website is so phenomenal.

    Now any patient can see stunning pictures from anywhere (from their living room to their favorite coffee shop). They don’t even have to make an appointment to grasp the quality of the work that is delivered here.


    Many patients are interested in receiving an innovative, non-surgical treatment such as PRP scalp injections to restore hair growth. However, as the procedure is relatively new, the patient may be uncertain about how the treatment would fulfill their aesthetic aspirations. Some patients may like to combine PRP with hair transplant surgery for more comprehensive outcomes.

    In each case, the patient will be in better position to make the right choices about their PRP hair restoration procedure when they have access to PRP scalp injection before and after photos.

    Staying Realistic

    In any cosmetic procedure, one of the first goals of the provider should be to ensure that the patient has a clear idea of what to expect and what not to expect from the treatment. Particularly in the case of a highly innovative and developing treatment such as PRP scalp injections, it becomes important to make the patient aware and help them keep realistic expectations.

    PRP scalp injection before and after photos can play a vital role here. Once the patient has reviewed the photos, it will give them more clarity and reduce the risk of any disappointment occurring at a later stage. Proven and outstanding providers always try to see that the candidate has a positive frame of mind, clear goals, and realistic expectations from the beginning.

    Patients in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other suburbs and communities in this part of the state have an opportunity to receive PRP scalp injection hair transplant and various other treatments from dependable and stellar cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gary Motykie.

    Click here for Virtual Consultation

    Build My Bod | Get a Quote Now!

    To see more services and treatments provided by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Motykie in Beverly Hills | Los Angeles and his team please visit:

    Your Wellness and Aesthetics

    Motykie Med Spa is dedicated to providing state of the art aesthetic, skin care, anti-aging, and fat reduction treatments to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood and surrounding areas. One of the most sought after non-invasive procedures offered at the medical spa is CoolSculpting. For a new patient, an excellent way to learn and gain real insights about a procedure can be when a past patient is willing to open their heart and share their actual experience and results about the procedure.

    Hylan’s Experience

    Hylan is a Los Angeles, CA based individual who, at one time, weighed 306 pounds, and was concerned about the appearance of love handles and excess fat deposits in his lower abdominal area. Hylan decided to go ahead with CoolSculpting at Motykie Med Spa, which is led by the reputed plastic surgeon, Dr. Gary Motykie.

    Hylan was seeking a supportive procedure that could help provide a boost to his commitment to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. He did not wish to go through an invasive surgery procedure, and was determined to improve his diet and exercise so that he would be able to maintain the results of a non-invasive procedure for the long-term.

    The team of experts, led by Dr. Motykie, at Motykie Med Spa carefully tried to understand the needs, goals, and aspirations of Hylan with regard to his body appearance, and his commitment to maintain a healthy lifestyle following a non-invasive fat reduction procedure.

    Fat Reduction with CoolSculpting

    The team at Motykie Med Spa, after a detailed deliberation and a close evaluation of Hylan’s condition and mindset, decided to recommend CoolSculpting procedure. Hylan managed to achieve a significant reduction in the appearance of love handles. Within a few weeks, he was able to notice a 25 percent reduction in his lower abdomen, which was his major cause of concern.

    This was Hylan’s first experience with CoolSculpting, and the results were astonishingly positive. More importantly, the outcome with CoolSculpting helped build Hylan’s confidence in his own ability to maintain his overall appearance and fitness levels. CoolSculpting provided the much-needed boost to push him to adopt an active lifestyle and follow a healthy and balanced diet.

    The highlight of Hylan’s case was that his commitment to maintain a regular regimen of diet and exercise performed the real magic, while CoolSculpting provided the proverbial “cherry on top.” Hylan has been highly satisfied with his experience at Motykie medical spa. He is particularly grateful to the friendly and caring staff that made his overall experience completely worthwhile.

    Recovery Experience

    One of the best things about CoolSculpting is that the procedure does not involve any cuts, incisions or even injections. A mild level of discomfort in the treated area may be experienced by some patients initially, but it is not something that can cause a specific hindrance to work or pose any risk. Dr. Motykie and his team were always available at the med spa to provide reassurance to Hylan during his recovery phase. All he needed was advil and cortisone cream during the recovery period to achieve better comfort.